I was going through some old images today and came across one of the first 3D model renders I'd done back in 2000. For shits and giggles I decided to see how I would do it different today compared to back then, so I gave myself half an hour, which was approximately about how long it took to render the original image in my first ten gig PC, brought it into my favorite painting program on my laptop and began correcting and over painting the original image. This is the difference half an hour and 22 years makes.
Thursday, February 10, 2022
"Where's That Michael" Then and now
Tuesday, February 8, 2022
Sunday, February 6, 2022
About Achilles Canvas:
There once was a popular Google Group named GPA -- Gay Poser Art -- which had a focus on 3D digital art of interest to the LGBT community. It featured various works created using the apps Poser and DAZ3D. There was nothing wrong with that and Poser and DAZ3D are wonderful tools for creating art. But these tools are not the only way the LGBT community expresses its creativity.
You have arrived at Achilles Canvas which replaces GPA. The idea for Achilles Canvas came about as a natural progression toward a more encompassing community arose. Some within the GPA community had talents that extended beyond just 3D generated artwork. Some are painters, some are writers and others who have talents that extend into other avenues of self expression. (Music, sculpture, photography, etc.) This is what Achilles Canvas wishes to embrace.
This site will not be advertising anything and promotion will be as it was in the past for GPA, by word of mouth. Achilles Canvas will grow at its own pace and hopefully be a more encompassing spectrum of creativity within the LGBT artistic community. We hope that content contributors within the LGBT community will feel free to showcase their talents in the new format. It is also my hope that artists might contribute to their the work of storytellers by creating visualizations of any written contributions, something I myself will endeavor to do for any writer who decides to contribute.
Hopefully artists who use different or even more traditional media will also share their talents on Achilles Canvas. How this will work is a bit different from the methods used on Google Groups. Those artist and writers wishing to contribute and become a content creator for the new group, need only email me and I will add them to the sites content creators and once approved they will have full access to post and edit their own works. I can even instruct you on how to post your work in a manner that the site will archive your post together allowing members who join the site to merely type in your name in the search function to bring up your archive, or members to the site can just browse the sites content which will post each contributors content by date of post.
Go ahead and spread the word! Share the location of Achilles Canvas: https://achillescanvas.blogspot.com/
Once on the site you can join the group and become a member, but to contribute to the site you have to apply to be a content creator by emailing me at: ulfr57@gmail.com
Friday, February 4, 2022
Unlucky Cowboy
The young cowboy rode from one town to the next, never knowing what to expect. The first person he encountered when he arrived in town for the first time after many weeks of riding alone was a saloon keeper. As he stood at the bar he accepted the proprietor’s kind offer of free whiskey.
This made the cowboy feel lucky. He was thirsty and had no money. All he owned was that horse he had tied outside the saloon. He told the men in the saloon that he was looking for work. One of them asked the cowboy what he was good at.
Before there was time for any answer, the saloon keeper pointed to a shot glass filled with whiskey. The cowboy became dizzy as he swallowed his third and fourth and fifth shots of whiskey.
Maybe that’s how the cowboy ended up naked with his wrists bound behind his back. From somewhere in the shadows he heard the men from the saloon laughing at him and muttering that this was an unlucky day.
The biggest of the men from the saloon had very long hair tied behind his back under a bright white cowboy hat. He spoke with an odd accent and used strange words along with broken English as Native Americans sometimes will do. Yet, the defenseless and terrified cowboy clearly understood the threats he faced.
The indigenous native’s quest was from traditions of the past never known to the white man. The long-haired one was a warrior. Ancient traditions required him to suck and swallow the manly juices of a captured adversary. The reason? The native fulfilled the warrior traditions of sucking and swallowing so that he could rob the cowboy prisoner’s masculine power within the juices of ejaculations. The men in the saloon cheered each of the six times the cowboy shot his load unwillingly into the warrior’s mouth.
Then the warrior pinned the fully-drained cowboy against the wall and
fucked him rough. The cowboy had no choice but to endure the relentless
and unmerciful pounding of his ass by a very large cock.
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This illustrated story continues FREE for your further enjoyment
on Madeira Desouza's Men in Peril Now website at this URL:
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Choice Of The Week
I created and published this original story and accompanying digital illustrations during the era of the United States inv...
This will be an ongoing series of post, presented as the title describes, but with a twist. These are all old renders I've done over the...